It's unbelievable to me that we've shared almost 18 birthdays with each other.
First as friends who cared for each other through the heartbreak of our divorces.
Then as friends who became lovers who realized the main pitfall of falling in love with your best friend is that when there are the (inevitable) lovers' spats the person you most need to run to for support and reassurance is the one you're off-kilter with.
Then as newlyweds embarking on a life together filled with hope...and our symbol of that hope and love, our son Alec.
We've seen birthdays filled with happiness and joy, and those filled with sickness and worry, but through them all- every one of them- we've never faltered, never ever made a birthday wish that didn't include each other.
Ward's first words upon waking this morning were, "Holy shit. Sixty fucking years old". And we laughed.
We've seen every birthday together since he was 42- when his hair was black and his beard just tinged with grey, and I was 34- about 25 pounds lighter and much less squishy.
Every morning for 18 years I've been able to wake up next to him has been a miracle- in all that time I can count on one hand the mornings we haven't woken up next to each other when he wasn't in the hospital.
It may be Ward's birthday, but the gifts have all been mine- his love, his courage, his never-wavering belief in me. That boy who looks so much like him and has his kindness of spirit and strength of character.
Happy Birthday, Gomez- I fell in love with you long before I admitted it to anyone (even myself). You've been melting my heart and warming my soul, sheltering me when I'm worn out and cheering me on when I'm strong, my island of sanity in a mostly self-made hurricane of Crazy that constantly swirls around me forever it seems.
My wish for you is peace and happiness now to infinity, and I'll spend every day of my life working to make it so.
My birthday gift to you is still and always, my love.

Sparky and Gomez.
very touching and heartfelt birthday wishes. It's funny but you are not the only "Gomez" I know! Happy Birthday to your wonderful guy.