
photo by Sheri Dixon

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Moral of the Story

Back when Alec was a wee thing of 2 or so, we considered adoption since all my parts had been recalled, removed and demolished.

We ran into some roadblocks- we were too old, Ward's health was too sketchy (and that was BEFORE most of the health shit hit the fan), I'd already grown 3 perfectly good children inside of me, but the main sticking point was this- we're not card-carrying Christians.

Even though I'd grown up Lutheran and spent years teaching Sunday School and Ward had been presented at the local Episcopalian church on Sundays to get HIS Jesus on, we were not and are not members of a "church family".

We've actually pretty much grown away from the entire Supreme Being concept- not out of despair or disillusionment or anger, but just because when you lay it all out in the light of day, it looks...questionable at best.

We're not anti-God or pro-Satan and respect others' beliefs- this life is sometimes hard and scary and any spiritual coping mechanism that makes someone more assured and secure is a good one.

Do I believe in "god"? I believe in...something. Energy? Life force? The Circle of Life and reincarnation/recycling? Something.

But not the god of the Christian bible. That one seems too petty, too vain, too un-godlike and too...human.

I believe Jesus was real, a real teacher and a real inspiration. But I am not a Christian.

So we are considered unfit.

In this year of political posturing it seems like every candidate is showing how much more Christian they are then the others. It's a big ol' pissing contest...with bibles.

Here's what I don't understand.

Why is saying you're Christian an automatic pass to an assumption of morality?

I consider myself a moral person. I KNOW Ward and Alec are moral persons. Every single person I love are moral persons yet only a handful attend church- any church.

Every one of us knows right from wrong. Every one of us cares for others before themselves. Every one of us seethes at injustice and works for equality...for all.

Is that not the very definition of "morality"?

I've known some moral Christians- good, kind people I'm proud to call family and friends.

I've also known some real Christian assholes who are mean-spirited and judgmental and who have no problem causing mental and physical harm to someone they deem unworthy or somehow flawed in the name of their god.

Of course there are people who don't believe in anything or anyone but themselves, and I avoid them like the plague they are.

But here's the important part.

You do NOT need religion to be a moral person.

It is absolutely possible to behave in a moral manner without believing in God.

Humans are capable of knowing right from wrong and more often than not will do the right thing regardless of whether or not Santa or God or the Flying Spaghetti Monster is watching them and making a damn list. (pun intended)

So cut the crap.

Stop using the label "Christian" like it's the fucking Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Like the only way anyone can be trusted is if they have a reference from a Church Home.

Show me you are trustworthy by how you live your life, how you treat others you don't need to impress, how you regard women, children, old people, disabled people and dogs.

By what you say and do when you think no one is watching.

Religion has not a damn thing to do with morality.

Character does.


  1. It seems to me, that having the Christian seal of approval means that you can act any ol' way you want, piss on anyone, anywhere for whatever reason...and you will be forgiven. Makes no sense to me and I consider myself a Chrisitan. I think they kicked me out of the club a long time ago. Now it's a dirty word, and a well deserved one.

  2. jojo- I got "kicked out of the club" when I dared tell a grieving 4 year old that of course she'd see her dead goldfish in heaven, and when I opposed the "firing" of another Sunday School teacher who'd had the bad taste to get pregnant without benefit of a marriage license- I told 'em they supported programs for unwed mothers publicly, but when it's one of their own, they could judge? piffle.
